Monday, November 24, 2008

Bountiful Blessings

Psalm 13:6 “I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.”

I love this time of year, with all of the joy that it brings. A gathering of friends and family from far and near; taking time out from our busy day to day lifestyles, to be quiet, and enjoy one another’s company. It’s a time set apart to be thankful for all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us. As I sit here contemplating what I want to say, I find that I can not put into words the great appreciation that I feel right now, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with me.
I am thankful first, for Him who chose to love me even when I have failed Him. He is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother, a present help in time of need. When I felt that I could no longer be used by Him, He is the one who picked me up and set my feet upon the Rock. I praise Him daily for His grace and mercy, which far outweigh my weakness and short comings. I am thankful for His Word, and for all those who sacrificed their lives so that I could have it today.
I am also thankful for my husband, my best friend, my life long companion. I believe it is a miracle that we are still together today. A picture of what God can do if we will give Him the broken pieces of our yesterday. I find myself loving him more each day, and I look forward to greater days ahead, as we learn to serve each other in the way that God has intended.
I am thankful for my 3 healthy children and that they too, know and love the Savior. I can remember a time when I didn’t think I would have a child of my own, but God has graciously given me the desires of my heart. Each one, a unique creation that God has placed in my hands to care for.
And where would I be today without my family and friends? I am so thankful for each one of you. God uses the friends in our life to encourage us and to hold us up in prayer. I am so very grateful that I have a plethora of friends who do this for me on a daily basis. (yeah, I know, that’s a big word for me. Hehe).
We are told to give thanks always for all things. Here is an abbreviated list of some of the things I thank God for…things that make the journey a little sweeter:


  1. Yeah, Plethora really IS a big word for you... glad you are expanding in other ways of late!

    Your list about sums it up! Glad you are feeling better today!

  2. I smiled all the way through your "pictorial thanksgiving." I loved it and love you. Thanks for tickling my funny bone today. Your grateful dad.

  3. I saw so many things that I am thankful for on your list as well!! But just so you know, I am especially thankful for YOU!! You are my sister, my kindred spirit and my best friend all rolled up in one! Thanks for always being there to help me through hard times and to keep my head in the right place! Love you!!

    PS...Dirty mouth? Clean it up! I love ORBIT too! :D

  4. Thanks, guys. You all mean the world to me!!! XOXOXO

  5. I love your thanfull photos! Most of them are mine too, especially the shoes, and the starbucks, and the krispy kremes! Great post! Love your families comments! Im glad you guys are such a close tight knit family! :)

  6. I love the shoes, and the car, and the CELL PHONE!!! Love you Auntie!


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