Friday, October 10, 2008

Taking the Plunge

If you are ever in Walmart and hear a loud, suction-cup popping sound that continues to get louder and louder...don't be alarmed. It is only my daughter Grace and her best friend Ashton hopping up and down the aisles with toilet plungers in hand...suctioning them to the floor with each hop. Together they equal SILLYNESS...most of the time they have me laughing but there are occasions when I just want to pretend they aren't with me.


  1. Grace is such a SILLY GOOSE!!! I have seen the videos on her phone that her and her friends made, and I really don't get them. But she thinks they are the funniest things ever! Grace, you crack me up!

  2. Yikes...
    Reminds me of when I had teens!


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