Monday, October 13, 2008

Steamed Eggs

When David was about two, he decided to sneak into the fridge and take a 2 dozen flat of eggs into his room and throw them in every direction. There were eggs dripping down the windows, walls and the door. Not to mention about a dozen crushed eggs and eggshells rubbed into the carpet. You would think he would have stopped there, but no, not our David. He ran out of eggs and made another trip to the fridge. This time he pulled out a Costco size package of hotdogs and went back to his room. He chewed and spit about 5 of the hotdogs all over the floor, but I don't think they were messy enough for him because he left the package of hotdogs on the ground and headed for the fridge yet again. This is when I walk in the front door to David pulling a flat of Costco chocolate pudding out of the fridge and "daddy" sleeping on the sofa. I scolded David for getting into the fridge, put the chocolate pudding away, and sent him to his room; unaware of the disaster that awaited me. I sat down and visited with Dustin for a few minutes, as David kept yelling from his room down the hall, "Aeggs, Mommy, Aeggs!" It sounded a lot like he was saying "eggs", what was he trying to tell me. I went down the hall to see what he wanted, and when I opened the door to his room...well, let me tell you, I could not believe the mess that I found. I literally screamed and Dustin came running down the hall to check it out. We can laugh about it now, but at the time we were not exactly smiling. David just looked up at us, proud of his eggshell masterpiece dripping down the wall. Dustin took David to the living room to lecture him on the "do's and don'ts" and the rules of our home as he had done so many times before; while I started to clean up. If you have ever tried to clean raw eggs out of carpet, then you know that I was unsuccessful in my attempt to wipe it out with a wet rag. It just smeared the slime from one spot to another. The eggs that were dripping down the window, now puddled into the window seams and my wet rag once again, just smeared it around a little. I was clueless as to how to get this royal mess cleaned up. I called my friend, Donna, who lived across the street. She is a professional cleaner and I thought that surely she would know what to do. She showed up with her steamer in hand, ready to save the day. After her gasps of unbelief when she checked out the damage, we got to work. The steamer seemed to be doing the trick, it was pulling the eggs from the fibers of the carpet and we would have this mess cleaned up in no time. That is, until the steamer heated up and started scrambling the eggs. Yes, that's right, the eggs began to scramble on the carpets surface. The smell was less than delightful, but the scrambled eggs were much easier to clean up.

I wish I could say that my story ends here, but no, not if our little David has anything to do with it. Dustin joined us in our efforts to clean up the mess, thinking David was watching a movie in the living room. While the three of us were down the hall, our sweet little David decided to take a walk over to Donna's house and see what he could find in her fridge. NO JOKE! When we entered her kitchen there was about an inch of water on the floor where David had played with the water dispenser on her fridge. Her fridge was much larger than ours and since he couldn't get it open he pulled a bar stool up to the cupboard to see what he could find there. Of all the cupboards in her kitchen he got into the one where she kept her childrens finger paints...and yes, he had opened and dumped all 4 colors onto the flooded kitchen floor. If only he had stayed in the kitchen, but no, of course he didn't. We found his colorful paint-covered footprints all over her ivory carpeted living room and down the hallway. I wanted to die! Exhausted from cleaning the mess at my house, we took a deep sigh..or two, and got started on the new disaster area.

I have many story's I could share but this is by far one of the most memorable of David's destructive toddler days. And if you were wondering...yes, this all happened in one afternoon.


  1. ah, yes... I recall your frantic call that day!

    Glad we saved the "evidence" so we can laugh today!

  2. Oh yes, I remember that. I felt horrible that you had such a mess to clean - but relieved that it was at least cleanable.

  3. Boy, do *I* remember those days! We had David spend the night over here several times just to give you all a break! LOL! I remember one of the times Uncle Scott sat David down and told him in no uncertain terms would he be pulling any shenanigans or he would be in big trouble. David is still leery of Uncle Scott to this day - lol

  4. Oh my...I'm uhh...speechless! LOL :)

  5. Yikes.....I think I recall the first story.....makes me love my empty nest even more..LOL....


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