Monday, October 27, 2008

My Mini-Schnauzer Dewey

I posted a blog composed of pictures and love for our little yorkie, Phoebe, in an earlier post. Here's one about my little boy, Dewey. He is laying at my feet as am sitting here on my computer, which is where you will usually find him. He's not that irresitibly adorable little puppy anymore, but he is most definitely a handsome fella. We bought him a few years ago as an 8 week old little puppy. Oh, my goodness, is he cute! His little beard and large eyebrows give him a distinguished and charming look. He walks around with his head held high like he's the cat's meow.
He is a great companion and keeps me company while the kids are at school. Many times I trip over him while I am going about from task to task, but I love that he is always right there... my feet.
What's with dogs and toilet paper anyway!???? Such a cool little guy.My babies.
Waiting for the kids to get home from school.
Smilin' while Phoebe gives him kisses. Oh, so adorable!Chillin'
Mmmmm...peanut butter!

The END.


  1. AW... That's my grand-dog! Sweet pix... really shows the calm side of him (we should post pix of his fast and furious "freedom fling" at Grandma's yard!)

  2. He is so lovable! I like the one of him getting Phoebe kisses! So cute!

  3. Man thanks for the big giggle with the last picture ,, I needed a good laugh...

  4. Haha..I giggle everytime I look at it too. Grace took that picture..hehe

  5. The pics are so funny! I love your dogs even though, I'm sure they don't like when Jacob comes around!


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