Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great With Child

This IS the week!!! (Pass the word on little Noah for me, okay Shannon?!)

Poor Shannon has been having contractions on and off for the last few months and now it's time for baby Noah to make his appearance! I am so anxious to meet this little man who has Shannon's tummy stretched to the extreem.

I am sure that I will be posting pictures of the precious baby in a few days.


  1. Holy COW that belly is getting big!!! Can't wait to hold him. Of course we have to wait for him to enter the world first! I LOVE babies!!! Good luck Shannon!

  2. I LOVE babies too and since I can't have any more of my own I will be at Shannon's all the time enjoying hers..haha.
    Maybe in 5 years or so I will have a grandbaby to ravish my affections on :D

  3. I love babies too....
    and I have a Noah in my life, Missy's son....
    Shannon looks great.

  4. Wow, little shannie is huge!! Hard to believe she is a mommy. It seems like just yesterday we were begging her to watch our kiddos to go shopping....

  5. I know...time sure has flown by. I am learning to soak up every moment I can with my family and loved ones.


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