Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Girls Are Gross!

David spent the night with his cousin Joe over the weekend. He was highly disappointed when I picked him up so I asked him what was wrong. He said that all Joe talked about was the girl he liked, and David, who still hates girls just couldn't get Joe off the subject. He said he didn't want to go again because it is just gross to hear about girls.

Well, today he came home from school and the first thing he said was, "We need to move. Esther likes me." Esther lives down the road, rides his bus and is in his class at school. I asked him how he knew that she like him and he began to state the facts as he perseved them to be: She sits by me on the bus every day and gives me notes. She follows me at reccess and gets smiley whenever she is by me. When we go down to our math class she always tries to sit by me and I want to sit by my friends.

I tried not to giggle, but he was right, the girl sounds like she has it bad for our little guy. He has brought it up several times over the last couple of hours, about how disgusting she is and everything. I think deep down he's flattered, but he says he just wants her to leave him alone. Poor kid.


  1. Hahaha... that is hillarious!! Poor David.

  2. Poor guy... he even resists Granny's hugs of late.
    Will be a "lady killer" soon! (He has to maintain his "testimony" of hating girls for the moment... soon he will change!)

  3. Ally, be thankfull now, cause later you'll be chaining him to his room, as the swarms of "honeys" are beating down the door!! DG


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