Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Noah is Here!

Congratulations, Richard & Shannon, on your beautiful baby boy! I love him to pieces already.

Noah Joseph Grahamn was born this afternoon weighing in at 8 lbs. 15 oz. and over 20" long. As I entered the birthing center I felt so much pride & excitement for my friends. Shannon has become like a sister to me and it does my heart good to see her blessed with this precious little one.


  1. Yay! I'm so happy for Richard and Shannon, especially Shannon, since she worked so hard at growing him for the last 9 months! :) He's such a cutie!

  2. Congrats to ALL of them....oh..he is a cutie.

  3. He is so stinkin cute and perfect! You did a great job Shanny! God is amazing in his creations isn't he?

  4. Finally Noah has arrived...he is so adorable...I want to hold him :)

  5. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh BOY! Isn't he cute?
    AND... Wow, doesn't look like a clone of Richard... perhaps the "Hughes' look" will come out?

  6. I think he looks more like Shannon than Richard. You will have to decide when you see him in person.


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