Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday's Baptism...

...was extra exciting for me. My neice Sydney (Dustin's sister Tiffany's daughter) has come to church with us off and on since she was little. A couple of months ago, at the end of her Sunday School class, she told her teacher that she didn't know for sure she was going to heaven. Her teacher, Mrs. Minard, shared the gospel with her, and she asked Jesus to save her. Grace and Sydney were so excited. I was at the piano, preluding the next service, when they came up to the platform to tell me. I will never forget the joy on their faces. My eyes filled with tears and I stopped playing long enough to give her a big hug. Once again in awe of how faithful God is to answer our prayers when we are so undeserving. It has been good to see her desire to know more about Jesus and what the Bible has to say. She was baptized after the service on Sunday, and again, I cried. What a blessing! Please pray for her as her to continue to grow in Him.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a sweet ending to a wonderful day in the Lord's house! Praying she will grow lots in the Lord!


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