Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Recycled Board Books

You can find these little books at garage sales or thrift stores for just pennies. They come in many different shapes and sizes. I have found that the square ones are the easiest to cut to fit, but if you want to take the extra time to create a fun shaped book, they work as well.
This pretty book was a birthday present for my sister a couple of years ago. I always make them as gifts and have none of my own to share, so thank you, Joy, for the loan. I will get it back to you later this week (even though it matches my house better ; ).
Before I get started, I sand off the original childrens story. You can do it by hand, or if you're like me and want to get on with the actual scrapbooking, you can use a hand sander. I usually do a few at a time while I have the sander out, as it is a little messy. Once you have sanded down the books they are ready to cover with your favorite paper and pictures using a really good quality scrapbook glue-stick. On this project, the book had curved corners, and my Creative Memories corner cropper worked perfectly! One of the many little things that I get excited about. haha. I always do each page seperate, meaning I cut the paper along the book binding. Otherwise, when it closes and opens it pulls and just doesn't lay tidy and flat.
They make the most wonderful gifts for your family and friends for they contain memories and sweet sentiments that they will enjoy year after year.


  1. You took my book!! That's ok, I know you love it *almost* as much as I do...Just be sure to get it back to me soon. :) ~Joy

  2. Ohhhhh Alice! This is soooo beautiful. I want to do this too. You did such a wonderful job. It is soooo good. Love it.

  3. Joy~
    Okay, I will bring it to you tomorrow.
    So......when are you going to make me one ;)

  4. Me? Make a scrapbook? Not happening anytime soon. ;-) Unfortunately, the only books I have time for are schoolbooks! :(

  5. Thanks, Charrissa.
    I have some books already sanded down, we should get together soon and make some!

  6. And...
    Where's MINE???? HMMM?? LOL
    I LOVE these books! (and I have your excess stash, too! Perhaps I can make one myself!

  7. Ok, Mom, Maybe you will get one for CHristmas this year.

  8. That is so cool, I lcve it! You're so creative :)

  9. Hey - BTW did you make all those things on your sidebar? I am thoroughly impressed if you did. Especially with one of the bags and jewelry - very good!

  10. Charrissa, No, I didn't make all those things along my sidebar. However, I have made lots of jewelry, scraves and scrapbooks which I gave away. I just decided to put a bunch of cute handmade items on there for inspiration. I hope to gradually replace them with pictures of my own handmade items..for now I will take photos before I wrap them and give them away.

  11. I love the book! The pix are pretty cute too! Looks like a lot of FUN!!!

  12. This is pretty and creative...this is what I am talking about Alice...I have no creativity that can even compares to you and Charrissa's.
    I hope to see these in person soon...this would be something unique to sell on etsy..where people could just place their own pictures in:)

  13. These are so very pretty..you got a full dose of creativity from the Lord that is for sure:) Hope to see these in person sometime soon.
    You should try to sell some on etsy... these would make great Christmas gifts. Or even a local craft fair or bazaar to get your name out there:)

  14. I love the books. What a great idea.
    I have a couple questions for you...way OT here.... but about our puppy....is there any way you could give me a call sometime or email me? The only reason I ask is because I know you have a yorkie.....like our sweet little Maisy.

  15. Beautiful books! I have been a scrapper for a long time and had never heard of these!! These are beautiful. I would be interested to learn more about how you cut the paper to make the book lay right when closed and open. What a grand idea to use board books! I think I found a new idea for some Christmas presents! Thank you!

  16. Jenny~
    Thank you so much. I think that Charrissa and I are going to make some...you should join us.


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