Friday, September 19, 2008

Cedar Dance Team

Yesterday was Cedar Heights first varsity football game. I am in no means a fan of football...but I am a new fan of the Cedar Dance Team. My little Gracie looked so grown up as her team took the field for half-time. The coordination that those girls have is amazing to watch. I was the proud mommy standing on the sidelines with the camera :D

This sport has changed Grace's whole outlook on school, and self-discipline as well. She went from C's & a couple D's, to A's and one B. She knows she has to keep her grades up, or we will pull her from the team. It's so good to see her actually bringing books home and studying for a change.

It was tough for her to get on the dance team at her school. They are national champions and go to Florida every February to compete against some of the best teams in the USA. She didn't get on the first time she tried out, but she was determined and didn't quit. We are so proud of all her hard work!

Watch the short video clip..Grace is on the far left in the front row. (the itty bitty one)


  1. You can tell they work very hard...the dance was great! Grace is such a sweet girl, I'm so glad she made it...I'll have to go cheer her on sometime :)

  2. Lindsey,
    Yes, you can tell they practice a lot. Grace would love it if you came to watch her sometime :D

  3. I found your site by searching for the Cedar Dance Team. I am also a big fan!! I am a coach in Olympia. Just wanted to congratulate Grace for making the team! As a coach I know the hard work these girls put it to this sport. Her journey has just begun! She has so much to look forward to, you will all be wonderfully overwhelmed! =)

  4. Cherylee~
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your sweet words of encouragement for Grace. I will pass along your congratulations.


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